Wednesday, May 21, 2008

2nd District Email Blast - IMPORTANT

We have created a group on “Google Groups” which is entitled 2nd District Email Blast. We will be switching the Email Blasts to the Google site effective immediately. The switch will allow us to accomplish the following:


  1. Anyone who wants to receive the “Email Blasts”, can now receive them directly.
  2. Email addresses are confidential and secure.
  3. Greater ease in managing Email Blast accounts.
  4. Quicker distribution of information.


You have been invited to join the NOPD ~ 2nd District Email Blast list. This invitation came via an earlier email. You only need to opt in via the link contained in that email.  Once confirmed, you will receive the Email Blasts via the Google site.


You may also invite your friends, neighbors, group members, etc. They will also be able to opt in and begin receiving the Email Blasts directly. Once on the list, there will be no need to resend the Email Blasts to your group members. PLEASE invite as many people as possible. We would like everyone in the 2nd District to receive this information. Thanks


Major Kirk Bouyelas

Commander, 2nd Police District

New Orleans Police Department

504.658.6020 (Office)

504.658.6499 (Fax)


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